188- Like children


Vlog 188 – Like children

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Like children”.

Jesus, God, loves children, and not only blessed them and wanted them to approach Him, but as you can read in the Gospel, He said that to enter his Kingdom, that is, to go to Heaven, you have to be like children. This is not a simple advice or comment from Jesus, it is an order!

Purity, innocence, love, faith and trust in God, that’s what saves one; that is, yes or yes, to go to Heaven, you have to be like children, just as Christ said, God Himself. My friend, do you already meet this requirement? Are you like a child?

Many say, that although they are older, they have a young heart; well, I’m telling you, my friend, whoever you are, where ever you live, and no matter how old you are, be like a child!; be good, pure, innocent… trust and have faith in God.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
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