158- Living Gospel


Vlog 158 – Living Gospel

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Living Gospel”.

My friend, tell me, what do your lips say?, what do your deeds “tell”? what does your story tell us about?

The Gospel, the Good News, it can not be just mentioned, it must be lived with hope, faith and charity, always!, twenty-four hours a day! Do you already do it?, do you already put it into practice?

My friend, come on, live the Gospel!, that Jesus, God, not only died, He also resurrected!, and for love of us, He stayed in the Tabernacle. He is there, there you will find Him! Have a complete and balanced diet, don’t live only of the word of God, and don’t live only of the Eucharist, you need both “foods”, in order to be perfect, to be saint!, just as you can not only speak about God “with the lips”, but your deeds, your life in itself, at all times, must speak about God, must proclaim the Good News.

Gospel, my friend, read and put into practice the Gospel, live the Gospel!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
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