Vlog 149 – To have in order to give Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “To have in order to give”. My friend, God gives you in order that you give, so that with your spiritual and material goods, you make a better place of your environment, so that with your goodness, example, and generosity, you help others to live with saintliness, so that you revolution the whole world. My friend, don’t be afraid of money, don’t feel aversion toward riches or toward those who have a lot of money, just as you should not envy the virtues or charisms of others, because God gives so that those who have, give; whether they do it or not, it’s their problem, it’s their sin with God. Work and improve yourself with the help of God, much prayer and perseverance; improve yourself on perfection, on saintliness, and be good and generous with others. Work, earn your bread with a job well done, with which you glorify God. It is not a sin to have, as long as you help others and live with austerity, without wasting or squandering. What is a sin, is to not use the gifts that God has given to each one, in order to be prosperous and help others to have a more decent life, to seek saintliness. My friend, don’t be afraid, have, and give to others! My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |