- 1- Good morning
- 3- Goodbye to the gray
- 2- White and black
- 4- Shhh!
- 5- God loves you!
- 6- Help others!
- 7- Forgive
- 8- Get away from those who do you wrong
- 9- In search of happiness
- 10- Smile
- 11- Walk
- 12- Research and give your opinion
- 13- Be more than punctual
- 14- When things don’t go well
- 17- Do you speak without thinking?
- 18- Eyes to see
- 19- If you don’t feel like going to Mass
- 20- To study or to work?
- 15- Receives more, who gives more
- 16- They have criticized you
- 21- Some thoughts, what a waste of time
- 22- There is a Heaven, a Purgatory and a Hell
- 23- You are free
- 24- You shall love your neighbor as yourself
- 25- The best thing
- 26- Desires of the heart
- 27- Count to three
- 28- A better world
- 29- “Instructions Manual”
- 30- Start the engine!
- 31- What’s wrong with it?
- 32- No
- 33- Lifestyle
- 34- Second chances
- 35- You decide!
- 36- “Healthy body in a healthy mind”
- 37- One per day!
- 38- A good mother
- 39- To get the best!
- 40- Easy, or difficult
- Index
- 41- The best!
- 42- To give
- 43- What are you going to do this year?
- 44- Classic
- 45- Your identity
- 46- Prisoner
- 47- What?
- 48- A new day
- 49- Information
- 50- Poor rich
- 51- Live the work
- 52- Offer your day to God
- 53- How to communicate with God?
- 54- Blessed words!
- 55- Jesus, help me!
- 56- Who are you?
- 57- Listen before speaking
- 58- We reap what we have sown
- 59- Warrior
- 60- Self-control
- 61- When things are not done well
- 62- Why to confess?
- 63- The strength is within oneself
- 64- Let’s be practical
- 65- Time
- 66- Nutrition
- 67- SOS
- 68- Abolition of slavery
- 69- Weigh the anchor!
- 70- One of two
- 71- We are all going to die
- 72- Yes or yes
- 73- Constancy
- 74- Writer and protagonist
- 75- Words
- 76- Just one language
- 77- Love
- 78- Use your head!
- 79- Everything has a reason
- 80- Don’t play with fire
- 81- Love until it hurts
- 82- Good people aren’t fool
- 83- Responsibility
- 84- Brave people
- 85- Future
- 86- Your reward
- 87- Plant flowers
- 88- Problematic people
- 89- Password
- 90- Habits
- 91- Half measures
- 92- Red rose
- 93- Empty
- 94- Moments
- 95- To dream
- 96- Bring out the best
- 97- Hope
- 98- Glory is for the conquerors
- 99- Chaos
- 100- Play fair
- 102- Be rich
- 103- Obedience
- 104- The meaning of life
- 105- Decide
- 106- Peace
- 107- These are the rules
- 108- Grains of sand
- 109- Loyalty
- 110- Miracles
- 111- Forever and ever
- 112- Your worst enemy
- 114- Are you VIP?
- 115- “Go and sin no more”
- 116- I will serve
- 117- You have the right
- 118- “Pass the ammunition”
- 119- To your liking
- 120- Depends on you
- 121- One coin
- 122- Fear prey
- 124- Deeds
- 125- Laugh
- 126- Tell me
- 127- Build yourself
- 128- You, catholic
- 129- However smaller
- 130- Spend
- 131- Prayer
- 132- You and God
- 133- Ask
- 134- Determined decisión
- 136- New man
- 137- The call
- 138- Stop!
- 139- Live your life
- 140- Vipers
- 141- Be careful
- 142- Privileged
- 143- To be or to have
- 144- Parrots
- 145- Say no
- 146- Inspiring people
- 147- It’s not enough
- 148- Riches
- 149- To have in order to give
- 150- For you
- 151- Challenge
- 152- Where there’s a will, there’s a way
- 153- Everything begins inside you
- 154- Whom?
- 155- Duty
- 156- Conscience
- 157- The big problem
- 158- Living Gospel
- 160- God warns
- 161- Your duty
- 162- Marriage and priesthood
- 164- Debt of love
- 165- Don’t stop
- 166- Hurtful
- 167- Your faith
- 168- He said it
- 169- More than good
- 170- God has the last word
- 171- The good manners
- 172- The top
- 173- Be smart
- 174- Sin is sin
- 175- Pray
- 176- The best bet
- 177- When hitting rock bottom
- 178- Bless
- 179- More and better
- 180- Scruple
- 181- Don’t listen
- 182- Without limits
- 183- Only one flesh
- 184- God is the boss
- 185- What one wants
- 186- Poetry
- 187- Good and evil
- 188- Like children
- 189- The Devil’s work
- 190- Improve yourself!
- 191- Avoid it
- 192- Rest comfortably
- 193- Life goes on
- 194- Fisherman
- 195- Masks
- 196- Faithful administrator
- 197- Listen
- 198- Suffer for no reason
- 199- Saints
- 200- The Truth
- 201- “Knock knock”
- 202- Calm
- 203- Wolves
- 205- Light
- 206- The conquest of Heaven
- 207- To grow
- 208- Sand clock
- 210- Blessed madness!
- 211- There’s always time
- 212- Another Christ
- 216- Free heart
- 217- Who loves?
- 219- What does it matter?
- 220- Goodness
- 224- Excuses
- 225- Corruption
- 226- Man’s power
- 228- The formula
- 229- The great family
- 230- The key
- 231- Heretics
- 232- Divine Mercy
- 233- Problems
- 234- Die in order to Live
- 235- Consistency
- 236- Law of love
- 237- Example
- 238- Mundane
- 239- If I don’t see it…
- 240- Glory to God!
- 241- Patience
- 242- Future plans
- 243- Communication
- 244- We play
- 245- Attitude
- 246- Inner war
- 247- Fears
- 248- How much?
- 249- Sad sadness
- 250- Doing good
- 251- Sickly dependency
- 252- Confession
- 253- With all your heart
- 254- It’s not what it seems
- 255- The media
- 256- For God’s sake
- 257- Community
- 258- Start over with a clean slate
- 259- Ora et labora
- 260- To improve
- 261- Bullet-proof
- 262- Influencer
- 264- Money, money
- 265- Do you believe?
- 266- Holy Mass
- 267- Resolutions
- 268- Temptation
- 269- What is to love?
- 270- To get down to work
- 271- Trust
- 272- Swear words
- 273- Sincerity
- 274- Self-conscious
- 275- Capable
- 276- The chosen one
- 277- Faults
- 278- Goodbye defect
- 279- Holy Cross
- 280- Priest
- 281- Angels
- 282- Rosary
- 283- Country
- 284- Again
- 285- Fall in love
- 286- All the Faithful Departed
- 287- ¿Excuses?
- 288- For all
- 289- Christ the King
- 290- Get ready
- 291- Conceived without sin
- 292- Nativity scene at home!
- 293- The Word became flesh
- 294- Charge the batteries!
- 295- Manifestation
Category: Articles
FLOS MARIAE’s Vlogger articles
63- The strength is within oneself
Vlog 63 – The strength is within oneself Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “The strength is within oneself”. Yes, my friend, the strength is within oneself, when oneself have will, and by his/her will, he/she searches God, and joining Him through the sacraments, faith and prayer, it awakes in him/her the power of God the Holy Spirit, that strength of heroes, of the saints! My friend, the strength is within yourself, God put it there, inside of you, in order to be able, like everyone else, to embrace your cross, and to carry it, in order to arrive triumphant to the eternal Heaven. My friend, wake up that force, with the grace of God!; study, delve into the Catholic faith, which is the faith of the true Church, which keeps the truth of Christ, God! Partner with the best of the best, with the Supreme Good!, with the Love. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
41- The best!
Vlog 41 – The best! Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “The best!” My friend, there are those who give more value, than they have, to certain things, as for example to the money. —The money? The money is the best!; with it, you can do anything; you can buy whatever you want, bribe or blackmail to anyone… You can even buy a university degree without having studied absolutely anything! Yeah. Seriously? Do you think that with money you obtain everything? —If you have a lot of money, yes. I don’t agree with you. One: the money is not the best; and two: with it, you cannot obtain everything. Well, it’s true that, with money, we can obtain many things that without money they aren’t acquired, not even in jest, but, no person, however rich, can buy a millimeter of Heaven, not with all his/her fortune. Neither can be bought the kindness, the wisdom, the peace… any virtue. Only is possible to buy the material and physical things, or the services of other people, nothing more! A person cannot buy a new character or temperament not even with money. Therefore, if money isn’t all, and it cannot give you everything, why do you idealize it? Be clever, and come to the only One who indeed can give you everything, Almighty God!, because He is certainly the best. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
64- Let’s be practical
Vlog 64 – Let’s be practical Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Let’s be practical”. My friend, every wise knows that to be someone in life, it is, to make their way in the world and to triumph (which is not easy, you just have to look at those around you), one should not listen the gossip or backbiting, although our name figure in them, simply for several reasons: to criticize is a waste of energy, mood, and a total waste of time. Let’s see, my friend, how do you think that one person can be involved in gossip, and at the same time, grow as a person, as a professional? It’s one or the other, use your energy in order to prosper, or use your energy in order to wear yourself out, destroying others and yourself, like a dastardly person. My friend, be a noble person, be a person of character, built in good, in union with God, and you will prosper. Come on, my friend, let’s be practical and make a better world! Are you in? My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
65- Time
Vlog 65 – Time Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Time”. My friend, time it’s something mysterious. Sometimes, hours seem long and slow, and sometimes, it seems that minutes pass like shooting stars in the universe of our life. —Time? I have all the time in the world. What I don’t do today, I can do it tomorrow, or even next week; now I want to disconnect and hang out. Are not wrong those who say that time is money, because time is more valuable than gold, and we have to invest it properly, as we have to do with money. Why time is more valuable than gold? Because even with all the riches of the world, you can buy a second of life. Your days are numbered; neither you nor anyone else, can lengthen the days, nor the years of life. Why we have to make a good invest of our time? Because it’s not like money, that if you lose it, you can get it back. Lost time, lost is, and will never return. My friend, don’t miss a minute. Invest all it in useful things for your mind, soul and body; for your life. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
66- Nutrition
Vlog 66 – Nutrition Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Nutrition”. My friend, everyone knows, or should know, how healthy is eating well, with natural food, that the more natural, the better. And not many knows that “One does not live by bread alone”. -Of course not!, who could live only with bread? Moreover, considering how fattening bread is in large quantities, just imagine! Mmm, that’s not what the phrase mean. —Oh, no? No. “One does not live by bread alone” means not only to feed the body, but as man is body and soul, and the body ends up dying, being one only soul up to the final judgment, also one must nourish his/her soul and mind. And even if someone is not conscious of this reality, not for that reason, he/she ceases to nourish his/her soul and mind. —Eh? And how to do it? Simply, in the same way as one can eat something, without knowing if it is healthy or not. To feed the body, it is done in an oral way and, in some cases, by intravenous administration; but the soul, as the mind, is nourished by the sight, by the earing, by the thoughts and desires… by everything what one, allows to himself/herself. My friend, in order to have a good life here on earth, and go to Heaven, after our body dies, humans must feed our souls properly, with healthy and natural, and that, can only be obtained by fulfilling the Ten Commandments, established by God. My friend, you choose your nutrition; you decide if digest junk food, or feed yourself with good and natural food that God gives us. Do the same with your mind and soul. Do you want a healthy life? Then, go for the healthy. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
67- SOS
Vlog 67 – SOS Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “SOS”. My friend, when you feel alone, when you feel you don’t have strength, when you want to shout SOS!, remember that guardian who is always at your side, this friend who, all the time, is watching over you and your good, your Guardian Angel. Don’t abandon him, don’t forget him, because he, your Guardian Angel has the mission of accompanying you, throughout your life, towards the Good, the Love, toward God. Show yourself grateful to him, for so many favors, so many aids that gives you from God, for so many times he save you and helps you to wake up, to settle down, to be better… My friend, don’t forget your Angel. If you still have not put a name to him, put one, which you like the most!, and every day ask him for his help, and thank him for it; be his friend, because he is your friend; and if you invoke him, he will fight for you, to get you close to God, to make you more of God. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
42- To give
Vlog 42 – To give Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “To give”. My friend, tell me… can someone give money or material things to others, if he/she doesn’t have it? Well, we agree!: in order to give, first it’s necessary to have. That, that happens with all the things of the life! The process is very simple, though perhaps not so much to put it into practice. Already you will see… If someone wants to have money, he/she works, and that work generates a salary. With that money, he/she can get material goods, buy products, pay services… But what happens with the not material goods, that is to say, what happens with the spiritual things, with the not physical things? How are they obtained?… through God. Oh, and you wonder, but in what way? Well, through prayer, your will and to put it into practice, because the virtues, the Grace and the gifts, cannot be obtained with money, not even studying. Pray my friend, pray and grow as a person. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
68- Abolition of slavery
Vlog 68 – Abolition of slavery Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Abolition of slavery”. My friend, many are going to say you that, if your body asks you for things, you can not refuse to it, you can’t resist to your body. They lie! My friend, the body many times limits us; the soul is stronger, much stronger than the body! Wake it up, feed it, take care of it, protect it!, because God, Jesus, He already died for you, He paid dearly for your freedom, and opened the Gates of Heaven. My friend, two thousand years ago, Jesus, God, the Messiah, abolished slavery, abolished slavery of all humanity with evil, making it free with His precious blood poured out on the Cross. Why do you want to remain slave of sin, when you can be free? That’s as absurd as wanting to be a prisoner of war or in a prison, when you can live in freedom. My friend, be free, and fly high like eagles, to the very Heaven!, because God loves you, and if He is with you, for being you good and for receiving Him assiduously in the sacraments, nothing and no one, will be able to destroy you. Fly, fly, my friend! My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |
69- Weigh the anchor!
Vlog 69 – Weigh the anchor! Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Weigh the anchor!”. My friend, my friend!, weigh the anchor! Don’t tie your life in the harbor of the past, of your past, nor in the past of nobody. Live!, because you have life; don’t bitter yourself, nor get depressed, because while there is life there is hope, and if you are on planet Earth, is that you live; then, live! Weigh the anchor and sail, my friend!, live!, move offshore, keep moving forward! The experiences, yours and of others, the experienced things, sins and mistakes committed, are your navigation chart, in order that you don’t run aground nor sink, in order that you don’t fail, in order that you know what to do and what not to do when you confront the storms and the waves of high seas. Because, my friend, don’t be naive, don’t think that if you anchor, life will stop, trials and problems will cease, it’s the contrary, the “tsunami” of your worries and depression, will tear you down, and you will drown. If you are worrying about something, even if you have not committed any sin, go to confession; confess, and Triune God will comfort and help you, through this wonderful sacrament. My friend, live, live, weigh the anchor and live! My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán |