253- With all your heart


Vlog 253 – With all your heart

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “With all your heart”.

There are people who say and assure with their lips, that they forgive, but they lie, because their hearts are full of resentment, anger, revenge or hate, or everything at the same time.

My friend, for your sake, for your happiness, forgive, always forgive and with all your heart, even if they don’t ask for forgiveness, or if they ask for it; you always forgive everyone, ALWAYS, also forgive yourself. Never deny your forgiveness to anyone, to ANYONE!, because to truly forgive and because of love to God, it’s the best thing you can do, because to really forgive; heals and liberates you, and your heart needs to be free in order to love and be happy.

My friend, friend, yes, forgive, FORGIVE!, with all your heart; forgive and love, with all your heart; love and forgive, be good for God, be good living in the grace of God; may God reign in your heart.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
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