FLOS MARIAE’s Vlogger articles

115- “Go and sin no more”


Vlog 115 – “Go and sin no more”

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Go and sin no more”.

Many believe themselves to be intelligent and believe they can deceive God; they say to themselves that in their youth they will do all the follies, sins and immoralitys they desire, and that once they have reached the age, once they have tasted all that worldliness has offered them, they will mature and “convert”.

My friend, no, not, God is not fool, not stupid either; He knows everything, even your intentions, because God sees the hearts and hears the minds, so it is not only useless to try to deceive him, but is also something completely absurd and bad for whoever expects it. When someone plans such things as that, he doesn’t deceive to God, but to himself; and tell me, when has someone won, self-deceiving?

My friend, God is love, and I remind you also is just judge. Reconsider, repent, confess, and as Jesus of Nazareth said “Go and sin no more”.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

116- I will serve


Vlog 116 – I will serve

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “I will serve”.

Truly there is no greater happiness in this life than to serve God with joy, being useful to others; serving them for love of God, with charity, is filled to one the soul of heavenly joy; what happiness!

My friend, I’m telling you the truth, you just have to study the life of God made man, Jesus, the Savior and Redeemer, the life of his Mother, the Virgin Mary, and his chaste husband St. Joseph, and you’ll see how true it is what I’m telling you.

Happiness does not lie in not suffering, because in this life on earth, everybody, all suffer for one reason or another; however, the Holy Family shows us that you can be happy in this valley of tears, fulfilling the Will of God, One and Triune, while carrying out the mission that God has prepared for each one of us, the mission for which you were born.

My friend, serve God in your day to day, do everything for love of Him and with joy; imitate the Virgin Mary. I will serve!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

129- However smaller


Vlog 129 – However smaller

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “However smaller”.

My friend, however small and insignificant your works may be, if you do them for love to God (that means doing them right, because can not offer shoddy to God), your works, automatically cease to have a mere human and earthly value, and reach an eternal and infinite value, as long as God is with you when you do those works, as you live in His sanctifying grace.

And, moreover, my friend, I also tell you that whatever pain or suffering you feel, a bad time or season, if you accept it, you put everything in God’s hands and offer it to God, that accepted pain by uniting it to the merits of Jesus Christ, has incredible and sanctifying value, as well as the good works offered to God, however small, apart from the fact that with them you give glory to God, and that you are happier in doing the natural, the good and the right, you are gaining Heaven.

My friend, live, live in the grace of God and do everything for love to Him! That everything in your life have meaning, in order to achieve the holiness, triumphant.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

117- You have the right


Vlog 117 – You have the right

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “You have the right”.

Right, right!… You have the right to be happy, you have the right to know the truth, you have the right to improve and prosper. You have the right to know God, to love Him and to let yourself be loved by the Holy Trinity; you have the right to be good and always do the good, you have the right to give up sin, you have the right to get away from the evil and from who is evil; you have the right to believe, you have the right to live the faith, hope and charity, you have the right to true freedom, you have the right to eternity, you have the right to belong to the Universal Church.

My friend, you have your rights! Do not give up on them. Discover the truth, and live the holiness. Be a catholic indeed!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

130- Spend


Vlog 130 – Spend

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Spend”.

My friend, the best thing you can do in this life is to spend your time well and not lose it idly or doing stupid things, which you end up regreting, even over the years.

What is wasted time? What are the wasted hours? What about the minutes spent madly or forgotten?

My friend, do not waste your time, that precisely, you are not rich in it, you do not even are his owner. Time will not obey you, like the wind, it will slip away from your fingers.

Spend, spend your time well, my friend; do not lose it and be happy!, because there is nothing like making the most of the time of life that God gives us, that we may give Him glory, that we may gain a place in Heaven by doing works of faith and charity.

Spend good, my friend, spend good your time, your whole life for your happiness, for your saintliness.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

131- Prayer


Vlog 131 – Prayer

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Prayer”.

My friend!, How are you living so calm?, how do you go out in the open with no armor, no weapons to defend you? Where did you leave your virtues?, when did you forget the prayer? Evil surrounds you, and you put yourself in its clutches, don’t matter that it shatters you.

Prayer, prayer… My friend, you need to pray; yes, pray!, to overcome all evil. Because faith moves mountains, and prayer wins battles.

My friend, when bad temptation stalks you, draw, and pray, do not let Satan makes you fall. When you feel sad, pray, in order to peace reign in your heart. When you hesitate, pray, to make the best decision; when you be happy, pray, to praise God.

For anything, pray, because prayer can do everything. Prayer is the weapon that overcomes temptation; prayer puts the angels of God in action.

My friend, pray always and everywhere, and God will come to save, comfort, embrace you and give you joy.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

98- Glory is for the conquerors


Vlog 98 – Glory is for the conquerors

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Glory is for the conquerors”.

My friend, my friend, what are you doing sitting there with your arms crossed? How do you expect to thrive, just protesting?

Get up and get started!, because glory is for the conquerors. Yes!, the delights of success, are for the braves, for those who dare to dream and fight without ever fall apart, for those who get to act, instead of loaf around and criticize.

My friend, roll up your sleeves and work hard, more than anybody!, because… Do you want to succeed? Do you want to improve yourself and to prosper? Then, have faith, pray… be good and keep the commandments; and God will reward your kindness and your will power.

My friend, go out to conquer glory!, because only those who go in search of it, reach it.

Do you dare? Go with God.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

132- You and God


Vlog 132 – You and God

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “You and God”.

My friend, you came alone into this world, and you will go alone, like me, like all the others; because your life is between God and you, and not between the others and you, or the world and you.

You must care your future if you want to be happy, because who loves himself, just a little bit, do not want evil for himself, not even a misfortune. Do you love yourself? Do you care what can happens to you? Then seek for your holiness, because if not, you will not have life in eternity, because, I repeat, your life is between God and you, between you and God.

When you die you are not going to take anything material, even if you prepare the suitcases; the only thing that you are going to take with you, are yourself, your character, your way of being… Improve now that you can, perfect yourself today, now that you still have time, so that when you present yourself before God, for your love to Him, for your good works and heroic holiness, finish both being one, by fusing forever with your INFINITE LOVE.

My friend, as long as you live here on earth, confess and receive communion, joining physically and spiritually with God, One and Triune, right now; because as Jesus said: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life”; and that interests you, to have eternal life, because for love you were born, to finish fusing with the LOVE.

Remember, you and God.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

133- Ask


Vlog 133 – Ask

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Ask”.

My friend, ask God for things, is a sign of real confidence, because when you ask God, shows that you believe in His omnipotence. Ask, ask God; ask God, in the name of Jesus, all the good things you want and need, for yourself and others; yes, also for you, and not only for your neighbor, because not in vain, He said and repeated again and again, Jesus of Nazareth, God: “What do you want?, ask and it will be given to you”.

Yes my friend, ask God, just as a son asks his father; always ask, everything and how much you need, and do not get tired of insisting.

God can do everything, EVERYTHING! He is Almighty. So, what do you lose by asking?

Ask, ask friend! Trust in God, ask Him and be grateful.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

134- Determined decisión


Vlog 134 – Determined decisión

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Determined decision”.

My friend, if you do not want it, if you do not have will and you try, if you do not have the determined decision to go to eternal Heaven with God when you die, if you do not want to be saint, you will not be; because, like everything you want to achieve in this world, you only get it, if you have dreamed it, you have wanted it in your heart, you have put your strength and effort to achieve it, and you have asked God for help.

Do you want to truly inherit the Kingdom of God? Do you want to enjoy forever the delights and all the power of God’s love, One and Triune, forever and ever? So, my friend, follow the path, which is Jesus; walk towards holiness, accompanied by His blessed Mother, Mary; always use, always, prayer and the sacraments, and keep the Ten Commandments; because in spite of your will, only with God, you will reach the perfection.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

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