Vlog 150 – For you Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “For you”. For you, for you… Yes my friend, for you, the second person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus, the “Word”, made flesh, became a man, incarnating Himself in the virginal womb of the new Eve, the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, yours and mine. For you, God Himself, was born poor and as a a baby, in the cave in Bethlehem, for your happiness, for your good. For you, my friend, for you, God, Jesus the Nazarene, the adopted son of Saint Joseph, the carpenter, dwelt among men. My friend, Jesus, God, being innocent, He died on the cross, He died on the holy cross, not because of an ideal, but because of the love He feels and have for you, so that you can be saved. My friend, my friend!, for you, Jesus resurrected giving fulfillment to the Scriptures; and for you, yes my friend, for you, Jesus, God, founded the Catholic Church, and He is alive under the species of Eucharistic Bread and Wine. Glory to God, our King and Lord! Jesus lives, God lives! My friend, practice the catholic faith, pray and receive the sacraments, and you will live in God, you will live eternally. My friend, thank you. And always go ahead with faith. Victoria Bellido Durán © copyright |