FLOS MARIAE’s Vlogger articles

118- “Pass the ammunition”


Vlog 118 – “Pass the ammunition”

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Pass the ammunition”.

“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”. My friend, God can not give you the things done, because otherwise, you would not be free, nor would your life on earth be meaningful, since here everybody comes to prove if he love and obey God. You’re the one who have to overcome the trials of life; If you achieve it, you’re a winner, if not, you’re a loser. It depends on you to accept the help of God, being able -by living in His grace-, to put into practice His commands. So get up, pray and pass the ammunition, if you’re on planet Earth, it’s your job.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

148- Riches


Vlog 148 – Riches

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Riches”.

My friend, to have riches is not a sin; what is a sin, is not using them properly, helping the neighbor, the brother. Many say that having money is a sin; is it a sin to have your own house? No, it is not a sin to have your own house, just as it is not a sin to have money and material goods, as long as they are obtained and maintained, doing good, living with austerity, without wasting, and without attributing to the money or earthly goods the power and worship, which are only of God.

Jesus, God, never condemned riches; He said that it is very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of heaven, but not that money or material goods in themselves condemned man. My friend, don’t be afraid of riches, don’t be afraid to be prosperous, because what condemns man to hell is the hardness of his heart, not obeying the commandments, disobeying and not loving God.

My friend, work, live and be happy, loving God with all your soul, with all your strength and all your heart!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

149- To have in order to give


Vlog 149 – To have in order to give

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “To have in order to give”.

My friend, God gives you in order that you give, so that with your spiritual and material goods, you make a better place of your environment, so that with your goodness, example, and generosity, you help others to live with saintliness, so that you revolution the whole world.

My friend, don’t be afraid of money, don’t feel aversion toward riches or toward those who have a lot of money, just as you should not envy the virtues or charisms of others, because God gives so that those who have, give; whether they do it or not, it’s their problem, it’s their sin with God. Work and improve yourself with the help of God, much prayer and perseverance; improve yourself on perfection, on saintliness, and be good and generous with others. Work, earn your bread with a job well done, with which you glorify God.

It is not a sin to have, as long as you help others and live with austerity, without wasting or squandering. What is a sin, is to not use the gifts that God has given to each one, in order to be prosperous and help others to have a more decent life, to seek saintliness.

My friend, don’t be afraid, have, and give to others!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

136- New man


Vlog 136 – New man

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “New man”.

My friend, today I want to tell you that if you confess repentant all your sins committed, with a Catholic priest, with a contrite heart and the intention never to sin again, no matter how many and more serious your sins are, God, Jesus, will forgive you, and your soul will be clean, and you will have peace.

My friend, why do you want to die, when you can live? God, Jesus, is going to make of you a new man, if you want, you ask for His help, and in your life there is no shortage of sacraments and prayer.

Get up from the ashes and let yourself be loved by God!

Live and be happy, my friend, let God always live in you.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

150- For you


Vlog 150 – For you

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “For you”.

For you, for you… Yes my friend, for you, the second person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus, the “Word”, made flesh, became a man, incarnating Himself in the virginal womb of the new Eve, the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, yours and mine. For you, God Himself, was born poor and as a a baby, in the cave in Bethlehem, for your happiness, for your good. For you, my friend, for you, God, Jesus the Nazarene, the adopted son of Saint Joseph, the carpenter, dwelt among men. My friend, Jesus, God, being innocent, He died on the cross, He died on the holy cross, not because of an ideal, but because of the love He feels and have for you, so that you can be saved. My friend, my friend!, for you, Jesus resurrected giving fulfillment to the Scriptures; and for you, yes my friend, for you, Jesus, God, founded the Catholic Church, and He is alive under the species of Eucharistic Bread and Wine. Glory to God, our King and Lord!

Jesus lives, God lives! My friend, practice the catholic faith, pray and receive the sacraments, and you will live in God, you will live eternally.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

137- The call


Vlog 137 – The call

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “The call”.

My friend, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone!, without exception, we are called to “be perfect as our Father is perfect”; we are all called to be saints; and God awaits your saintliness, in order to enjoy with you the eternal heavenly joy.

Yes, we are all called to saintliness; will you turn a deaf ear, or will you accept this reality?

For men, go to heaven with their means, it is totally impossible, but for God nothing is impossible; that is why Christ founded the Catholic Church, gave us the sacraments, and reminded us of the Commandments of the law of God, being a living example of saintliness.

My friend, listen and accept the call: be saint, increase in saintliness.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

151- Challenge


Vlog 151 – Challenge

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Challenge”.

My friend, I challenge you. Yes my friend, today I challenge you to be better every day, to improve yourself and get better, to build up yourself on saintliness, at the hand of God and the Holy Virgin, without desist, without give up, without back out, and never stop fighting. Do you accept? Why not? You don’t lose anything for being better, you grow as a person, you gain virtues, you live the true meaning of life, and you have a better human quality. What’s stopping you? The fear of failure? No… Is not the attachment to the sin?

I challenge you my friend, I challenge you to reject sin and to fight for saintliness. What do you say? Yes? Accept and improve, by God! You can! Come on, champion!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

152- Where there’s a will, there’s a way


Vlog 152 – Where there’s a will, there’s a way

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

My friend, yes, when there’s a will, there’s a way, because when you want something, when you have the will, nobody can stop you.

If you want to love the Love, if you want to give glory to God, if you want to serve the Supreme Good, if you want to be perfect, prosperous, a hero, a saint, I tell you and I tell you again, that, being united to God, you can do everything; because the Almighty is Omnipotent, and living in you, He, God, will make a wonder of you and your life.

Everything is a matter of having will, of want, of pray, and trust in God and His Divine Providence; to fight and love, doing always, always, the good thing, letting God act.

My friend, when there’s a will, there’s a way. Do you want? You can!

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

153- Everything begins inside you


Vlog 153 – Everything begins inside you

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: ” Everything begins inside you”.

My friend, so that your life be better, so that your days be full of peace, joy and love, first of all, you must look for God, take refuge in Him to one hundred percent, and grow and improve as a person.

My friend, respect yourself in order to be respected, love yourself in order to be loved, be faithful to God, to His Commandments and to your principles, so that others be faithful to you; be happy in order that others make you happy, and serve in order that others serve you.

Yes, yes, everything begins inside you. My friend, when you remove the plank from your own eye, you will see everything more clearly, and you will be happy, really, because of the goodness and wonders of God.

My friend, begin with yourself; if you want that the world change, if you want the world to be happy, make the first step, having full confidence in God, Who will give you the optimism and the christian joy to go ahead; and to wake up every morning with enthusiasm and with the desire to work in order to give the best of yourself.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

119- To your liking


Vlog 119 – To your liking

 Hello my friend, I’m Victoria Bellido Durán, member of the Musical Group Flos Mariae, and today I want to give you my opinion about the subject that I entitled: “To your liking”.

My friend, the holiness is not to your liking; they live in error those who only fulfill some of the mandates of God, when it suits them, and with those who like them, closing their eyes and not fulfiling, the other commandments of the Law of God.

Holiness is living by obeying God, and God, Jesus, never said: “Here you have some guidance commands, take them or leave them as you deem”. On the contrary, Jesus said: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”, and that is done only by living in communion with God, and someone live in communion with God, when one is in a state of sanctifying grace, for not having committed mortal sin, or for having confessed.

My friend, live holiness and not mediocrity, cause you are gambling the eternity.

My friend, thank you.

And always go ahead with faith.

Victoria Bellido Durán
© copyright 

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